Aster Aroma - Melissa 100% Pure Essential Oil 10ml
Yesstyle NL
Brand from Hong Kong: Aster Aroma. High Blood Pressure, Palpitations, DyspepsiaHow to use:Bathing: Add 4-6 drops Essential Oil of your choice into a bath of warm water.Blended well and soak for 20 minutes.Massage: Add 3-5 drops Essential Oil of your choice into 10ml of Sweet Almond Oil.Blended well and massage onto the affected area in a circular movement.Do not apply essential oil to skin undiluted.Steam Inhalation: Add 2-3 drops Essential Oil of your choice into a bowl of warm water or essential oil burner.Blended well and breathe in the vapour.Steam inhalation is especially effective for relieving symptoms related to the respiratory and nervous systems.Cold/Hot Compress: Add 3-5 drops Essential Oil of your choice into 10ml of Sweet Almond Oil.Blended well and apply onto the affected area, cover up with hot or cold patch/ towel for the soothing process.Hot compress is good for soothing aches and pains, while cold compress for inflammation, fever, sprains, swelling and bruising.Cautions: Shouldnot b
18.22 €